Foodtech, safety & quality post pandemic times

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on whatsapp Share on email Share on print Participate in this webinar organized by the Israel Economic Mission in Chile on Foodtech, Safety & amp; Quality post-pandemic times.This International initiative is aimed at all...
El sector agroalimentaria y crisis de COVID 19

El sector agroalimentaria y crisis de COVID 19

La crisis sanitaria que enfrenta la humanidad, que contagia a las personas y a las economías a nivel global, está cambiando nuestra vida cotidiana modificando los sentidos comunes y prioridades para este periodo y probablemente también para el futuro post pandemia. Lo...
El sector agroalimentaria y crisis de COVID 19

The agri-food sector and the COVID 19 crisis

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on whatsapp Share on email Share on print The health crisis facing humanity, which infects people and economies globally, is changing our daily lives, modifying common meanings and priorities for this period and probably also...
El sector agroalimentaria y crisis de COVID 19

The agri-food sector and the COVID 19 crisis

The health crisis facing humanity, which infects people and economies globally, is changing our daily lives, modifying common meanings and priorities for this period and probably also for the future post-pandemic. What seemed inappropriate yesterday may be essential...
The agri-food sector and the COVID 19 crisis —-

The agri-food sector and the COVID 19 crisis —-

The health crisis facing humanity, which infects people and economies globally, is changing our daily lives, modifying common meanings and priorities for this period and probably also for the future post-pandemic. What seemed inappropriate yesterday may be essential...